Welcome to the Sharon Middle-High School Library! Our information resources and services are available to all students in grades 7 - 12 as well as faculty and staff. Our mission is to provide students with information skills instruction and a variety of resources to create an environment that produces lifelong learners.
18,000 books
47 periodical titles
3 newspaper titles
12 networked Internet-accessible computer workstations
6 online catalog workstations
500 videocassettes, DVDs, CDs, audiocassettes
Power Library
Provides authoritative access to thousands of full-text periodicals, newspapers, photographs, pictures, charts, maps and reference materials in a safe and secure online environment. Over thirty databases provide information that can be searched by grade and reading level.
Interlibrary Loan
The library participates in the ACCESS PA program providing students with the opportunity to borrow books from public, special, school and academic libraries anywhere in Pennsylvania.
Reserves and Holds
Students can request titles and are alerted when materials become available.
Information Skills Instruction
The librarian regularly instructs library orientation classes as well as the online catalog, Power Library and any of the traditional or electronic resources in a formal or informal setting.
Cooperative, reciprocal relationship with Community Library of the Shenango Valley in meeting the curricular, informational, and recreational needs of our students.
Monday - Friday 7:50 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Thursdays and Fridays 7:50 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.