SMS A-TSI Plan Year 2
Sharon Middle School A-TSI Plan
Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (A-TSI) schools will be designated every three years, when one or more student groups in a school perform below the CSI thresholds for academic proficiency, academic growth, and at least one additional indicator. Sharon Middle School is on the A-TSI list due to lagging test scores in the African-American, Special Education and Economically Disadvantaged subgroups as well as overall student regular attendance.
Goal Setting:
Middle School Data Team Meetings
Gender and Grade level based Mentoring Program
District-Wide Instructional Teams
Middle School Monthly Cross Content Team Meetings
L.E.A.D Teams
Student Advocacy Team
Action Plans:
Middle School Data Team Meetings: Middle School teams of ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies content area teachers will review student assessment data monthly through June 2021 to identify student strengths and needs with and effectiveness of instruction and determine criteria for intervention.
Gender and Grade level based Mentoring Program: By January 2021, the Middle School Teams will develop and establish a gender and grade level based mentoring program for 7th and 8th grade students to support social and emotional well-being, with the purpose of increasing attendance, decreasing discipline referrals, and improving the school climate at the Middle School.
District-Wide Instructional Teams: By June 2021, the District will create district-wide Instructional Teams for grades 5-8 ELA, Math, and Science and thereafter the Middle School will host no less than four collaborative, Instructional Team meetings per year for collaboration amongst staff and opportunities for data review/student information sharing, curriculum audits, and instructional design and goal setting.
Middle School Monthly Cross Content Team Meetings: By June 2021, the Middle School will host monthly grade 7 and 8 cross content teacher team meetings and monthly department meetings to promote collaboration among staff and provide opportunities for data review/student information sharing and goal setting.
L.E.A.D Teams: By June 2021, L.E.A.D (Lead, Empower, Advance, Deliver) teams will meet monthly to build leadership capacity and empower staff in the development and implementation of school operations, culture, and student achievement initiatives, thus increasing communication between staff and administration, staff contentedness, engagement, and buy-in as evident on staff climate surveys.
Student Advocacy Team: By June 2021, at least two school-level concerns that have been identified by the Student Advocacy Team will be remedied.
The link to the complete plan will be posted in this location once approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education.